Today I want to show you another ManGlaze product. With Hot Mess you can change your mani really quick and it looks very nice. I tried it on black and on a dusty rose. But there are million cominations you can try.
Dnes vám chci ukázat další lak od ManGlaze. S Hot Stuff můžete proměnit staré lakování a dát mu úplně nový vzhled. Já jsem tenhle nadlak vyzkoušela na černou a hnědorůžovou. Kombinací je ale spousta, určitě se s ním nebudete nudit.
ManGlaze description: The glossy destroying powers of Matte-Astrophe but with a stupidly evil amount of glistening bling. Put this over any color and drool. Hell ain't so bad art created yet again by Joe Simko!

* the product(s) in this post were sent to me by the manufacturer or their PR company.