Summer puts the body back on show, including hands and feet. Your hands work hard for you, so take care of them.Manicured hands are essential for a well-groomed appearance. The secret to a good manicure is the correct equipment, quality products and patience. Perfect nails should not be rushed.

1. Remove old nail polish with a cotton ball dipped in acetone-free nail-polish remover.
2. Make sure you always file your nails in one direction only.
3. The fashionable nail shape right now is the 'squoval', a cross between a square and an oval. This shape has been proven to give nails the most strength to ensure they don't break easily.
4. Soak your fingers in a pampering nail soak.
5. Apply a cuticle cream according to the instructions on the packaging and gently push back your cuticles.
6. Apply a nail cream or nail oil and massage each nail and cuticle to improve circulation and growth, and relieve dryness.
7. Apply a good hand cream to your hands to help prevent premature ageing.
8. Get rid of any excess oil by cleaning your nails with an acetone-free nail-polish remover.
9. Apply a base coat.
10. Apply one coat of nail polish.
11. Wait until completely dry and apply a second coat.
12. Apply a topcoat once the second coat is completely dry.
Think about it:
When manicuring your nails, consider your lifestyle, habits and environment. For example, if you use your hands a lot – typing, working with children or nursing – rather go for natural, short nails. Also keep in mind any sport or hobbies you enjoy, and what would be best suited to those pursuits. If you live in a harsh environment or regularly work outdoors, your hands and nails will need a weekly regime of nourishing and soaking.
Good idea:

1 cup of bottled water
juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
10 drops lemon essential oil
Soak your fingers in this energising mixture for about 10 minutes.